Reindeer leather

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Reindeers are part of the deer family and are often kept in large herds in the far north (Alaska, northern Norway, Lapland, Finland, North America and Spitzbergen). In Canada, similar species living in the wild are referred to as cariboo (caribou). The skins of these animals are chamois-tanned to obtain a durable suede, which is mostly used as clothing leather.

Rentier-Velour-01.jpg Rentier-Velour-02.jpg

Reindeer suede is not distinguishable from goat suede.



Reindeer leather jacket of


Eskimos use reindeer skins with hair to make clothing when the temperatures are extremely low. They make two suits for particularly cold temperatures. An undergarment consisting of a jacket with hood, furry trousers, fur boots and gloves. In the case of the undercoat, the hair of the skin is to the inside and the top clothing has the hair to the outside. Reindeer hair is hollow and this gives the coat or jacket better insulating properties and softness. No animal in the polar region has fur with such good properties for the manufacturing of insulating clothing.


Caribou fur coat of the Naskapi indigenous peoples of North America (New York, American Museum of Natural History).


Video about leather of different animal species

Leather of different animal species - Exotic leather

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