Slippery Leather

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Sometimes the problem arises that a leather on the surface is too slippery. Furniture leather may cause you to gradually slip off the sofa or chair while sitting. Slippery wallet slips out of the pocket when sitting down, and motorcyclists miss the necessary grip when riding on a slippery motorcycle seat made of leather.

Smooth leather with a finish is often made slippery in the production process in order to reduce mechanical damage later in use. Usually this is done by additives in the top coat. Resistance generates friction and this can lead to faster traces of wear due to abrasion on the leather.

Möbelleder-verschleiß-01.jpg Auoleder-verschleiß-02.jpg

Typical wear on car and furniture leather.


As long as the slip does not disturb, it is a good protection against abrasion. Where the slipperiness is disturbing, it can be mitigated by suitable leather care products. Some waxes and waterproofing are a helpful ingredient. Waxes are generally very blunt and slow the slipperiness. Also surfboards, skis and snowboards are waxed, so the "grip" improves. But always clean the leather first. This sometimes already helps.

But there are also leathers, where slippery is desired. The ass leather in the former mining industry was used to protect the butt when sliding through holes in small tunnels sitting with the butt on a piece of "ass leather".

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