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Tara is a plant tannin of the small tara tree (Cesalpina spinosa). The tara tree is thorny with pods like the pea. The tara tree or shrub grows at altitudes of 1,800 to 3,000 meters mainly in Peru, Brazil and India. The plants usually grow in the wilderness. The fruit peels are used for the tannin production. Each tree provides approximately 25 to 50 kilos of pods.

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Pods of the tara tree.


In April, the tara pods are harvested without harming the tree. The pods are an important source of income for Peru's rural population. The valuable ingredients of the yellow-red tarantula were used centuries ago by the people of Peru as a remedy for throat aches. Numerous other fields of application of the pods and their ingredients are also known: It`s a basic material for the production of paints, as a reducing agent in the chemical industry or as a clarifying agent in the production of spirits.

The tara pods contain about 50% tannin (fruit peels 48%, seed 52%). However, the grains are removed and only the pods are milled to powder and then used as a tanning agent. The tara tannin produces a whitish, cream-colored leather. This can be dyed well and has a high light fastness. Mimosa and quebracho have the disadvantage of giving the leather a reddish tone.

A further advantage is that the pods regrow. Tannins in bark can only be obtained by harvesting the entire plant.

Tara-tanned leather can be used as car leather, shoe leather, furniture leather or clothing leather. Also, lambskin is tanned with tara tannins.

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