Zebu leather

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Zebu leather - Zebu hides

Zebus are domesticated cattle, which is mainly kept in the tropical and subtropical climate. Originally from the Indian subcontinent, they are now also widely spread in Brazil and many other tropical and subtropical regions.

Only about 5% of the leather produced in Brazil is processed into |full-grain leather. 70% is processed as corrected grain and 20% as low quality leather. In Europe, almost all cowhide is produced as full-grain leather, and in Argentina, around 90% of the production results are full-grain leather.

Due to the hunchback in the neck, the skins of Zebus have a disadvantage. Since the hunchback cannot be flattened in the tannery, it would get stuck in a lot of the tannery machines. Therefore, the hump is cut off and roughly sutured so that the skin does not tear in this area during the working stages in the tannery. Thus, zebu skins have a longer rip in the skin, which leads to a higher leather cutting waste. This rip is also called "hump hole".


Characteristic sewn up hump hole in a zebu skin due to the hump in a tannery.

Zebu 01.jpg

Zebu 02.jpg

Characteristic neck cut of a 5.65 square metre zebu skin from the tannery Mastrotto in Brazil.



Zebu cattle with its distinctive neck in Brazil.

Video about leather of different animal species

Leather of different animal species - Exotic leather

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