Leather clothing

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Leather jacket.jpg

Leather clothing

As long as humans have existed, they have made clothing from leather. In the Stone Age people also used the skin of animals to make tent walls and straps, as well as clothing.

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Leather garments of indigenous people.


Most of us carry a lot more leather on our bodies than we realise. Leather jackets, leather pants, shoes, gloves, leather belts or watch bands. You name it, leather is everywhere and many people own accessories, garments, shoes or some other cherished item that is made of leather.

Jackets, trousers and gloves made of leather come under the heading of "leather clothing". The most common animal species used for clothing are cows, sheep, goats and pigs. This is because leather is almost exclusively processed from animals that are bred for their meat.

Leather clothing used to be prohibitively expensive and those who wore leather clothing drew attention to their status. Nowadays there is also an inexpensive range of leather clothing.

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Clothes make the man. A noble leather clothing with status charisma.


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Inexpensive leather clothing for everyone: leather jackets made of lamb leather and pig leather.


Leather garments made of cow hide

Cow leather is ideal for making clothing that is solid and stable. This is because cowhide is heavier, thicker and also more robust than other animal hides. Motorcycle leather suits and other protective clothing or water buffalo leather pants are typical examples of leather clothing. Thin and lightweight leisure jackets made mainly from cowhide are also very common and highly fashionable.

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Motorcycle jacket, leather pants of www.wildfangdesign.de and Vegetable-tanned designer jacket, undyed cow leather in thickness 1.4mm by Emanuel Blanck, store price about 2,500 € (2013).


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Casual jackets made of cowhide.


Leather garments made of lamb leather

[[Sheepskin - Lambskin>Lambskin]] is usually processed as smooth leather for lightweight casual jackets, skirts, dresses or leather trousers. In particular, expensive leather clothing is often made of lambskin.

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Trendy lamb leather jacket. Sheepskin jacket.


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Typical lamb leather casual jackets. Left € 1,499 and right € 159.


Leather garments made of goatskin

Goatskin is usually used as suede for jackets, skirts or pants.

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Leather pants made of goatskin (suede).


Leather garments made of pigskin

Pig leather is used to make low-cost leather clothing. It is commonly offered as suede and smooth leather. Pigskin is usually not as stable and soft as goatskin or Lamb leather.

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Leather gloves and jackets made of pig leather.


Other species

Leather made of deer or reindeer (traditional costumes, conservative casual jackets), horses (oiled, heavy jackets), kangaroos (motorcycle racing suits) or animal fur (fur coats, jackets) are less common.

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Leather suit made of kangaroo leather and a jacket made of horsehide.


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Traditional chamois leather clothing made of deerskin and antelope leather.



Python leather jacket.


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Leather coat made of deerskin and vest made of Ostrich leather from www.wildfangdesign.de.



Fashion clothes seen in the DLM - German Leather Museum.



Celebrating the love of leather clothing. Fashion clothes seen on an classic car event held at Goodwood in England.


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Fur clothing made of sealskin and raincoat made of seal intestine.


Workwear made of leather

Leather is also processed for workwear. Heavy duty protective clothing, gloves or jackets and trousers are commonly made using leather.


Leather jackets are better for police work than textile jackets.



Workwear made of leather seen in the DLM - German Leather Museum.


Other "peculiarities"

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Some leather clothing also serves to fulfil "special wishes". These garments are only worn with "underwear" for fitting ...



Seen in the DLM - German Leather Museum.


In most cases, fashion companies and clothing shops do not manufacture leather clothing, nor do clothing manufacturers tan the leather themselves. This is done by tanneries that sell the leather to the clothing manufacturers, which make the clothing for the fashion companies. The manufacturers and tanneries are mostly located abroad, where production is more cost-effective because of the high manual labour input.

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